From Passion to Purpose: The Clear Mountain Provisions Story

How Clear Mountain Provisions Was Born

In 2020, Clear Mountain Provisions began with a simple yet bold idea: to create candles that specifically appealed to men. It felt like a niche that wasn’t being addressed in the scented candle industry, but the more research we did, the more we realized there was an even bigger gap—one that went far beyond scents and aesthetics. The candle industry, a multi-billion-dollar market, operates with very little regulation on materials and processes, contributing to significant environmental harm. This didn’t sit well with us. As outdoor enthusiasts with a deep love for wildlife and a commitment to sustainability, we knew we had to do things differently. That’s how Clear Mountain Provisions transformed from a small idea into a sustainable candle company where every decision we make puts the planet first.

Clear Mountain Provisions was born from our shared experiences. Jess and I met several years ago while rock climbing, and our connection to the outdoors runs deep. For both of us, nature is more than just a place to visit—it’s where we feel most alive. It’s where we’ve explored, where we’ve grown, and where we feel the urgency to protect and preserve. With a background in corporate America, I’ve seen firsthand how businesses operate, and I wanted to use my experience to build something that wasn’t just profitable but purpose-driven. Jess and I wanted to take our love for the natural world and create products that inspire others to connect with nature while giving back to it. That’s why our focus shifted from just making candles to creating natural eco-friendly candles inspired by the great outdoors.

Overcoming Challenges in a Purpose-Driven Business

But starting a sustainable candle business built on environmental stewardship in a world driven by consumption isn’t easy. From the beginning, we asked ourselves one critical question before making any decision: “How does this impact the planet?” It sounds straightforward, but in practice, it’s incredibly challenging. Today’s fast-paced, instant-gratification culture often prioritizes convenience over doing what’s right. While some people have embraced our mission, others have resisted it. We’ve been blocked by other companies, ignored by local markets, and even faced backlash because we’re honest about the environmental damage caused by much of the candle industry. Transparency can be uncomfortable for businesses and consumers alike. Adding to the difficulty, I lost my job in May, which introduced financial strain into our lives at a crucial moment. There have been times when we’ve questioned whether now is the right time to pursue such an ambitious goal, but we know the planet can’t wait for the "right time."

The Journey Toward Carbon Neutrality

One of our most ambitious goals is to become the first carbon-neutral candle company in North Carolina. It’s a lofty target, and one that requires a significant amount of work and investment. But for us, it’s non-negotiable. We believe businesses can be a force for good, and carbon neutrality is a tangible way to demonstrate our commitment. Every part of our production process is scrutinized, from the sustainable materials we use to our eco-friendly packaging. It’s not easy, but we want to show that creating products people love is possible while also positively impacting the planet. Our commitment to creating carbon-neutral candles isn’t just about reducing our environmental footprint—it’s about leading by example and proving that sustainability and profitability can coexist.

A big part of our journey toward sustainability is our tree-planting initiative. We plant a tree for every candle or other product we sell through our partnerships with Eden Reforestation Projects and OneTreePlanted. Right now, much of our focus is on supporting reforestation efforts in Madagascar, where mangrove trees are helping to restore natural habitats and coastal ecosystems. Mangrove trees are known for their incredible ability to capture and store carbon, making them essential to combating climate change. These trees also support marine life, protect against storm surges, and provide vital resources to local communities. We love knowing that each eco-friendly candle sold contributes to this global effort. It’s a way for us—and our customers—to make a tangible difference with every purchase.

Practical Sustainability for Small Businesses

Starting a sustainable business isn’t just about planting trees or using eco-friendly candle materials—it’s about adopting a mindset prioritizing the planet’s long-term health over short-term gains. At Clear Mountain Provisions, we believe that every business, regardless of size, can make meaningful changes toward sustainability. Our advice for small businesses looking to take that first step? Start small. Look at where you’re making the most significant impact, whether in your energy use, packaging, or sourcing of materials. Set clear, realistic goals for reducing that impact, and work toward those goals one step at a time. For us, it meant reducing plastic, offering recyclable packaging, and creating our Reuse & Recycle program to help customers give their products a second life. These small steps add up over time, and the journey toward sustainability is one worth taking.

At the heart of Clear Mountain Provisions is the belief that small actions lead to big changes. Whether you’re a conscious consumer looking to make a difference with your purchase or a small business owner considering how to integrate sustainability into your operations, we want you to feel like you’re part of something bigger. Our community is built around the idea that businesses can be a force for good, and by choosing eco-friendly candles and products that align with sustainable practices, you’re contributing to a healthier, more sustainable world.

Sustainability: A Shared Responsibility

By sharing our journey, challenges, and lessons learned, we hope to inspire others to reflect on how they can incorporate sustainability into their lives. Whether that means supporting eco-friendly brands like ours, making small personal changes, or starting your own sustainable business, every action counts. Together, we can create a movement that makes sustainability not just a goal but a way of life.

Chris Cooley

Chris is the Founder of the Artist Spotlight Project, a music producer, and a student at the Berklee College of Music. His electronic music releases can be found under his artist name, SYNTHWERK.

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