
Thanks for visiting! We are so glad you decided to check us out. Keep reading below to learn more about Clear Mountain Provisions, who we are, and what we stand for.

At Clear Mountain Provisions, we aim to inspire and support outdoor enthusiasts with handcrafted, sustainable products that enhance and respect the natural world. Based in Raleigh, NC, we are committed to pioneering environmental initiatives and promoting a culture of adventure and stewardship, helping our community connect with nature and protect it for future generations.

Who we are.

Welcome to Clear Mountain Provisions!

Our passion for the great outdoors isn't just a hobby; it's a way of life. Whether hiking through dense forests, rock climbing, camping in the remote backwoods, or exploring the mountains of North Carolina, we're always on the lookout for our next adventure.

Our journey into creating Clear Mountain Provisions began with a simple desire to share our love for nature with others. This passion drives us to craft practical, beautiful, sustainable, and kind products for our customers and the planet. Every item we offer is created with intention, care, and an eye for detail while always reflecting our deep respect for the environment.

As we grow, our commitment to sustainability only strengthens. We're pioneering initiatives like our recycle & reuse program, and we invite you to be a part of this journey. Together, we can set new standards in the industry and ensure our adventures—and yours—positively impact the planet.

We are incredibly grateful for your interest in Clear Mountain Provisions and for considering joining us in embracing the spirit of adventure and the pursuit of sustainability. Your support means the world to us. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or need anything!

With Love,
Chris & Jess

Our core values.

Commitment to Craftsmanship and Quality

At Clear Mountain Provisions, our handcrafted products represent a fusion of fine craftsmanship, meticulous attention to detail, and our love for the great outdoors. We are committed to delivering exceptional products that cater not only to the desires of our customers but are also created with sustainability and conservation in mind. Our dedication to excellence is evident in every product we bring to market, ensuring that what you receive is nothing short of perfect.

Environmental Stewardship

Our planet is our playground and our responsibility. Clear Mountain Provisions is dedicated to maintaining and discovering new sustainable practices in every aspect of our business. From using environmentally friendly materials in our products to adopting eco-conscious production methods, we are committed to reducing our ecological footprint and promoting a more sustainable future.

Community Involvement and Advocacy

We believe in the power of community and the importance of giving back. Clear Mountain Provisions actively supports and engages in local environmental conservation initiatives. We strive to positively affect the world through volunteerism, partnerships, and advocacy, creating a ripple effect of goodness extending far beyond our immediate surroundings.

Transparency and Ethical Practices

Trust is the cornerstone of all our relationships. At Clear Mountain Provisions, we uphold the highest standards of integrity and transparency in every aspect of our operations. We are open about our processes and firmly dedicated to ethical conduct. This commitment ensures that every decision we make benefits our customers and upholds our moral values.

Everything we make impacts the planet.

Today, overconsumption and convenience culture are the biggest culprits of pollution and waste.

Here’s what we are doing about it.

Trees Planted with Every Purchase.

Every online purchase helps us plant mangrove trees around the world.

We dedicate a percentage of each sale to reforestation because it restores natural habitats, enhances coral reef health, supports local communities, and fights climate change by removing CO2 from the air.

Eden Reforestation Projects and OneTreePlanted plant the trees.

Recycle & Reuse Program

This year, we are taking a significant step toward sustainability by developing a recycle & reuse program.

The overwhelming impact of single-use items is evident, with billions of waste pieces cluttering our ecosystems annually. Around 14 million tons of plastic end up in the oceans every year, contributing to an undeniable ecological crisis​. This problem is even further exacerbated by a staggering 79% of plastics produced accumulating in landfills or the environment—mainly due to insufficient recycling and waste management infrastructure​​.

In response to this environmental challenge and aligning with global efforts to reduce single-use waste, this year, we are working to launch a new program that will enable our customers to recycle and reuse the containers in which our products are sold. Customers will be able to send containers back to us at little to no charge in return for a healthy discount on their next purchase.

Launching this effort further establishes our commitment to creating a greener and more sustainable world. By encouraging our customers to return their used candle containers and other products for refilling, we are taking proactive steps to minimize our ecological footprint and support the health of our planet. We hope initiatives like this will help set a new standard in the provisions industry for environmental responsibility and dedication to a greener future.

Our pledge.

At Clear Mountain Provisions, our love for Mother Earth is at the heart of everything we do.

Our commitment is simple: Beginning in 2024, we pledge to donate a portion of every sale to carefully selected organizations that are dedicated to environmental conservation. This commitment ensures that every purchase from Clear Mountain Provisions not only brings joy to our customers but also contributes directly to crucial efforts to protect diverse ecosystems and promote sustainability.

With this commitment, we hope to create a powerful ripple effect of positive change. We believe that together, through responsible actions and shared dedication, we can make a significant difference in the world. When you purchase any of our products, you join us in a commitment to building a more sustainable future.

This year, we are also proud to announce our pursuit of certification from "1% for the Planet," a global network that unites businesses and environmental nonprofits in a shared mission to heal and preserve the earth.

Who benefits?

Our support will always be dedicated to innovative organizations and projects that protect both natural environments and the communities that depend on them. We prioritize initiatives in areas with established missions identified through our business activities and customer base. We focus on supporting localized efforts that defend critical natural resources and vulnerable communities against environmental harm. Our efforts aim to foster a diverse and inclusive environmental movement, ensuring our contributions make a measurable impact and encourage broader civic engagement. We collaborate with action-oriented organizations with clear strategies and commitment to environmental preservation.

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